create class Autor and Book

👍 g++ library.cpp && ./a.out

Enter one of the following options:
1. Include a book in the catalog
2. Check out a book
3. Return a book
4. Status
5. Exit
Your option? 5

👍 cat library.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Book {
  Book() {

class Author {
  Author() {

void includeBook() {
  cout << "in includeBook()" << endl;
  Author newAuthor;
  Book newBook;

int menu() {
  int option;
  cout << "\nEnter one of the options:\n"
       << "1. Include a book in catalog\n"
       << "2. Check out a book\n"
       << "3. Return a book\n"
       << "4. Status\n"
       << "5. Exit\n"
       << "Your option? ";
  cin >> option;
  return option;

int main() {
  while (true)
    switch (menu()) {
      case 1: includeBook(); break;
      case 5: return 0;
      default: cout << "try again: ";


ch7.4 Case Study: Spell Checker p373/391 of